Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 356 - Another Day Spent with Storm

All dressed up to face the cold winter
Storm: "Asri, we gaan naar het speeltuin"
Asri: "Okay, maar eerst naar de bakker"
After we went to the bakery
Storm: "Asri, het is te koud, ik wil toch naar huis"
Asri: "-_______________-"

Day 355 - A Love Letter Just For You

Dear you...
After all the times we’ve spent together
I just realized that I don’t like you anymore
How you sleep with your sweet innocent face
How you wink when you say something naughty
When you stand in the kitchen and cooking
When you play that video game with that serious face
When you sing with your unique voice
When you hold my hands wherever we go
When you hug me whenever I feel down
Those simple stuff that shows you actually care for me
You should wipe that cuteness in your face
Your charming smile and silly laugh
Because it’s obvious that I don’t like you anymore
I love you

Day 354 - Frosty & Friend

Frosty the snowman
Now he has a jolly good friend
So he doesn't need to be afraid
Staying out in the dark at night :D

Day 353 - Frosty the Snowman

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal.

Day 352 - Junk Food Day

Knakworst, Aardappelen, left over spaghetti
and I wonder why I keep gaining weight

Day 351 - Haarlem Beat

Off to Haarlem
A city in north of Holland
With the freezing snowy weather
Even thick jacket didn't help

Day 350 - Brownies

A Little sweet treat
for someone sweet ;)

Day 349 - Kue Cubit

A little taste of home and childhood
Kue Cubit

Day 348 - Oppa Stormpy Style

Day 347 - Sleighing with Storm

Put your warm clothes on
Gloves, cap, thick jacket and boots,
Take your sleigh and sit tight
It's sleighing time :D

Day 346 - It's Snowing Again

It's back, little white stuff from up above
a little blessing of snow
It turns everything white

Day 345 - Boys will always be boys

Boys will always be boys
Nothing can explain better than this picture :p

Day 344 - Kaboutertjes

How does a dinner with Kaboutertjes feels like?
It feels kinda good
Good food, good talk, and good time

Day 343 - Meet Jack Reacher

Day 342 - On My Own

Day 341 - Kuikentje Piep

Day 340 - Another Day Playing with Storm

Another day out with Storm
Pack your bags
Fill it with cookies and nice stuff
Take your bike and off we go to playground

Day 339 - Can anyone put him in silent mode?

Day 338 - Pitch Perfect

Day 337 - De Groeten van Mike

Day 336 - Spinazie a la creme

Spinazie, Creme, and other stuff
That's my first time eating that stuff
It taste quite good

Day 335 - A Trip to Oosterhoutse Museum

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 334 - Finally ParaNorman

Day 333 - Patatas Bravas & Gebakken Haloumi

Potato, Mushroom, Red Onion,
Tomato, Coriander, Paprika Powder,
Chilli flakes, Ginger Powder, and
Haloumi Cheese

Day 332 - New Year's Eve (AuPair Style)

Put your records on
Grab a mic
or food whatever you want
We're gonna end this year
AuPair style!!!! 

Day 331 - Making Lumpia (Again)

Take the skin
Put the filling in
Fold it neatly
and Voila it's ready

Day 330 - So Waste of Time

Day 329 - Rosada

Off to Rosada
Where all stuff is 30-70% cheaper than it used to
Got myself a nice boots for 35euro :D

Day 328 - Finally Lumpia

Finally make some treat for myself
A little taste of home
Lumpia Kecil

Day 327 - Christmas Gift

He's sweet, he's kind, he's nice and he's mine
Having the opportunity to spend Christmas with you
is the best Christmas gift ever :)

Day 326 - Christmas Skating in Prague

Put your skate-shoes  on
Skate through out the crowd
Don't be scared to fall down
Worst thing that could happen is
You get bruises :p

Day 325 - Back in Prague

I'm back in Prague
A City that never cease to amaze me

Day 324 - Cologne Christmas Market

Here's where the journey finally begin
Taste all the local food
forget about diet...

Day 323 - Dusseldorf Christmas Market

A Little bit of this
A little bit of that
Christmas Market in Dusseldorf
Has a lot to offer

Day 322 - 21.12.12

They said today is the day when the world end
I think so.. I have to go out early in the morning
in the middle of the darkness....